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  • Humidifier GaSteam

Gas steam humidifiers. CAREL's extensive experience in the field of humidification has led to the development of gaSteam, a range of gas humidifiers available in models with capacities from 45 to 450 kg/h and a temperature range from -40°C to 45°C. gaSteam runs on natural or LPG and has a sophisticated built-in electronic controller that can also control other types of gas simply by setting a series of burner calibration parameters. The exclusive design of the heat exchanger ensures very high efficiency (94-96%) and ease of maintenance. Made of stainless steel, it guarantees a long service life even under harsh operating conditions.

The gap in gas and electricity prices makes gaSteam an ideal choice for higher load applications where steam is required many hours a day, saving thousands of euros per year. Continuous modulation of steam flow means that the device is also suitable for precision applications. gaSteam can operate on potable tap water or demineralized water (RO). It is easy to install, has a sealed combustion chamber with pre-mix burner and a gas valve with double mechanical closure; in addition, it is equipped with many safety devices and has ETL and CE certificates (issued by TÜV-DVGW).

Humidifier GaSteam

  • Brand: Carel
  • Product Code: GaSteam
  • Availability: In Stock